Sustainable Construction
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Water is the Base of agriculture and also one of the precious resources on our planet it needs to be utilized at the optimum level and avoid the wastage of the same. Use of water in agriculture with traditional methods of irrigation like flood irrigation leads to the loss of water due to evaporation, drainage and can lead to loss in soil properties like texture structure and fertility ultimately leading to decrease in production.
Water is the Base of agriculture and also one of the precious resources on our planet it needs to be utilized at the optimum level and avoid the wastage of the same. Use of water in agriculture with traditional methods of irrigation like flood irrigation leads to the loss of water due to evaporation, drainage and can lead to loss in soil properties like texture structure and fertility ultimately leading to decrease in production.
SKY AGRO is an entity with Turnover of plus INR 200 million. established and operated by agricultural graduates with vision to provide optimized agriculture inputs to the farming community by using latest technology to increase productivity. With the presence of 4 manufacturing facilities , supply of our products is done across 20 states of India with a strong network of 1400 + dealers and Distributor’s reached to almost 45000 + farmers till date and counting. SKY AGRO manufactures the products which help farmer reduce the hardship and optimize the water resources , simultaneously increasing the productivity of the the farming community. SKY AGRO provides various services like Soil and Land Survey, Technical Layouts of the field for irrigation, Crop Protection and production technology consultancy, training to use the latest technology and its maintenance , Demonstrations of the products, Farm research and solution resource etc is carried by the company extensively. Due to the continuous efforts and endeavour to technology , we are delighted to be part of satisfied customers family which keep us encouraging to serve them better every day.
SKY AGRO is an entity with Turnover of plus INR 200 million. established and operated by agricultural graduates with vision to provide optimized agriculture inputs to the farming community by using latest technology to increase productivity. With the presence of 4 manufacturing facilities , supply of our products is done across 20 states of India with a strong network of 1400 + dealers and Distri