Our motive is to help the poor, helpless and orphan children all over the world.

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Agriculture And Water

Water is the Base of agriculture and also one of the precious resources on our planet it needs to be utilized at the optimum level and avoid the wastage of the same. Use of water in agriculture with traditional methods of irrigation like flood irrigation leads to the loss of water due to evaporation, drainage and can lead to loss in soil properties like texture structure and fertility ultimately leading to decrease in production. ...


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We at SKY AGRO deliver latest technology and solutions to farmers at reasonable price which helps to overcome their requirements . We at SKY AGRO always try to be update to the latest trends and the upcoming requirements of future which makes us highly competit


We being from Farming community and Agriculture Technocrats as a team we are working in the Agriculture sector from decade which helps to understand the core requirement of farmers thus providing them the proper solutions.


As a customer centric organization , Quality for customer is our core principle. We thrive hard to keep the quality consistency and deliver the quality in Product and services that we offer for which we are always committed.


We at SKY AGRO are always committed to the after sales service to the products that we deliver to our customers and this helps the customer to adopt the technology


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