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·       Inline Laterals are the drip irrigation laterals which have a regulated water discharge and specific distance  due to the emitters inserted in the laterals .

·       These laterals are widely used for the crops which are densely planted in their row to row  spacing and plant to plant spacing.

·        as the plants are close to each other inline laterals are suitable for irrigating such plants.

·       also these laterals have low discharge of 2 , 4 and 6 LPH at 1.2 kg pressure (at take off point)

·       Inline laterals are pre punched with holes and so water is regulated automatically

·       No need to punch a hole in the inline laterals

Recommended For Crops:

·       Vegetables:-  Brinjal ,Tomatoes, Cabbage,Cauli flower, Onion,Cucumber,Raddish, Sweet Potato, Potato, pumpkin,Corn, beans,Melons etc

·       Cash Crops:- Sugarcane, Fodder Crops,

·       Fruit Crops;- Grapes, Passion fruit,

·       Spices and condiments




Cylindrical Inline Drip Laterals:-

Where to use:-

·       Inline Laterals are the drip irrigation laterals which have a regulated water discharge and specific distance  due to the emitters inserted in the laterals .

·       These laterals are widely used for the crops which are densely planted in their row to row  spacing and plant to plant spacing.

·        as the plants are close to each other inline laterals are suitable for irrigating such plants.

·       also these laterals have low discharge of 2 , 4 and 6 LPH at 1.2 kg pressure (at take off point)

·       Inline laterals are pre punched with holes and so water is regulated automatically

·       No need to punch a hole in the inline laterals

Recommended For Crops:

·       Vegetables:-  Brinjal ,Tomatoes, Cabbage,Cauli flower, Onion,Cucumber,Raddish, Sweet Potato, Potato, pumpkin,Corn, beans,Melons etc

·       Cash Crops:- Sugarcane, Fodder Crops,

·       Fruit Crops;- Grapes, Passion fruit,

·       Spices and condiments

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